workshop details
When: 6:00am,
Wednesday 4th Sept, 2019
Cost: $200
10 x 1hr Super learning lifting sessions +
10 x Fitness is Fun Bootcamp
Mahana Rd,
St Andrews

what you'll walk away with
• A 10 week block of training commencing September 4th and finishing November 6th.
• A bi - weekly alternation between Deadlifts and Squats lifting progressively with accessory exercises to assist these lifts.
• Week 1 will determine your rep max for 10 across both the squat and deadlift, (from here I can estimate your weekly loads). A big session!
• The 5th week will be an unloading one where we lighten the load with accompanying recovery strategies.
• Week 6 resumes lifting, but with readjusted weights according to your strength increase, and will also take us into a power phase too, incorporating jumps and plyometrics.
hi, i'm anna
I struggled for years to get the running results I was after and knew there must be a better way to run train. After 6 years of experience and research as a certified personal trainer & run coach, I've found the perfect balance.
Fitness is Fun is a bootcamp style programme based in Hamilton tailored to suit those interested in run training. It combines strength and speed training with stretching and mobility to prevent injury. It's a fun and social way of training that helps people to become fitter, faster, stronger runners.

julia porter
"When my knee was killing me in the last 10km of running, I started using your running style and instantly my knee pain disappeared. I could NOT believe it! Where had this been all my running life?! I used to have the worst hamstring cramps and knee pain. You are a lifesaver! Not just to practise it so that it becomes natural."
denise turton
These workshops are a great opportunity to really hone in on your strength techniques to ensure your body is working as one - when we were breaking down the individual parts it was quite a surprise to find out what parts of our body were working and what parts weren't. Nathan is really knowledgeable and always had a way of working with our (in)abilities. We sure learned a lot about our bodies and the technique learnings will always be there whenever you're doing your exercise - personally, I find that it makes you more aware of the way you're doing things. It was also nice to be able to spend the time concentrating on one aspect and amazing to see how quickly the body adapts and strengthens.
A great workshop well worth going to and plenty of laughs along the way.

about us
Fitness is Fun isn’t just a training programme; it’s a community of like-minded, busy women who:
Enjoy running (no matter what distance)
Have a goal to become better, faster, stronger runners
Are ready to ditch the injuries and pain
Are looking to add more to their run training programme
Fitness is Fun bridges the gap for runners, allowing them to enjoy running with the motivation, support, prevention and fixing of injuries; giving you the confidence needed to run further and faster.
When it comes to the training, we provide varied, enjoyable workouts, that are tailored to suit your needs. Our small group sessions mean our knowledgeable trainers can focus on giving you the attention you need, it allows us to get to know you, and push you to your best abilities. Our sessions are a mix of high intensity and strength, mobility and stretching and fundamental movements.